Friday, April 12, 2013

Trust... (From October 24, 2011)

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths.”
(Proverbs 3:5-6 ESV)

I have found that learning (or living) the definition of the word ‘trust’ is somewhat tricky. Some days I feel like I’ve finally figured it out, and other days it feels like it’s lost in the wash.

Trust: Reliance. Hope. Confidence in the certainty of......(thank you

Do I really trust God with all my heart everyday, all the time? Oh, I can answer that question quite simply. Nope.

Some days I go out in the morning with gusto. I talk about God all day, and I share what He’s doing in my life with others. I read the Bible with someone, and I do my best to explain it when they have questions, and then I go home feeling so, more than exhausted. I feel beat up. I kick my shoes off, sit down, and without a smile on my face I think, “What is wrong with me? Why do I feel like I’ve just run a marathon in the wrong shoes?” It’s usually then that I realize that I didn’t trust God at all today. It’s not because I didn’t want to. It was because I was too busy trusting myself to even ask for His guidance or opinion in the matters I faced. No wonder I feel so tired. I’ve been trusting myself all day and leaning on my own understanding as I went. 

Thank goodness these days are becoming fewer and far between. It seems I’m slowly learning this verse that I’ve been hearing and reading since I could hear and read. God wants me to trust him in every moment. He wants me to ask his opinion and listen to his leading all the time. God wants me to not worry about what I can’t even get my own head around, he just wants me to trust him. God wants me. Yes! That’s what it is I think. He’s not a mean father that wants us to ‘do what you’re told and don’t ask questions!’ No, I’m certain that He wants us to trust in him and acknowledge him and not lean on our own understanding of things because he wants to see us on a straight path. Because that path leads to joy even on a rainy day. That path leads to hope even when all seems lost. That path leads to God himself. He wants us. He loves us.

 So, now I’m sitting here wondering why I’ve just written this post. It isn’t flowery or that nice to read, is it? (please keep your answer to yourself)

 Oh well. There it was. Perhaps you’ve been struggling with days like I’ve had, and that’s why I wrote this all for everyone to read? 

God wants you to trust him. Because he’s the only one who knows how to make your path straight.


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