Friday, April 12, 2013

The great conductor... (from January 20, 2010)

Last weekend Nick and I were invited to St. Louis by a new friend and supporter.  It was so encouraging to spend time with her.  She is so energized by missions and what God is doing all over the world, that she asked us to come share our hearts and ministry with some people at her own church.  We got the opportunity to speak to a few classes there and were excited by their responses.  Our support team is growing, and it is by nothing that Nick and I are doing! 
As we continue to move forward and “raise support” to do what God has called us to, we are prayerfully seeking those who God has already provided to join our team.  It is such an exciting thing to watch as God sends people into our paths and opens doors all around us.  It is exciting because it has nothing to with how great we are at it, because honestly...we aren’t that great at it.  But it does have everything to do with how great God is and how His hands are conducting it.  What I guess I’m trying to say is, what a relief it is to know, to really know, that “when I am weak, He is strong.”

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