Monday, July 15, 2013

We're baaaack...

Before we left, our family on Nick's side threw us a going away party complete with a large cake! Which was delicious by the way, and I've been jonesing for some more cake ever since. The cake is pictured above, and I have to share it with you because I think you'll find it interesting, as we did, that England and Alaska are sometimes considered to be the very same place.
We are already missing our family very much but are so glad to be home.

Yes, we're back in Colchester, England. When we got here we immediately noticed something very strange, and we initially thought we had gotten off the plane in the wrong country. But it turns out that the strange thing is only just the hot and shining sun and we are, in fact, in the correct place. Something happened to the weather while we were gone, and we haven't seen rain nor clouds since we got here a week and a half ago. So, we immediately went out and got 2 fans, and we're now sporting slight sunburns.

Nick spent last week in Birmingham starting his MA in Missional Leadership. After a week of classes from dawn 'til dusk, he attended a days long conference put on by Alan Hirsch on Saturday. He even got to eat lunch with Alan. Needless to say, he came home buzzing with thoughts and excitement about what God is up to in England.

Delia and I have been meeting up with old friends and figuring out what Colchester is like for a nursing mummy with a buggy (or a stroller) and no car. We've also accomplished somewhat of a sleep schedule and have spent a lot of time outdoors. We even got the opportunity to go to the zoo with some friends! Though I was much more excited about the animals than she was. Delia is enjoying meeting all the new people in her life, and I'm thanking God for the happy, social baby He's given us.

Tomorrow, we're meeting with our friend who will be renting out her home to us while she's out of the country for a couple of years. Right now, we're staying with our friend, Jess. We're very thankful for her letting us stay with her, and Delia is happy to finally meet her Auntie Jess. However, we are very much looking forward to moving into our house next month! It will be the first time we've lived alone as a family since we left Colchester 8 months ago!

Well, I'll keep this short and sweet since Delia is taking a nap and that doesn't usually last very long.
But first I want to share this verse from Isaiah that has been ringing in my head as Delia and I have been walking around Colchester.

"For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall break forth into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands." (55:12)

We're looking forward to the plans He as for us and for the U.K. in these next years.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful to hear that you've returned! I'd love to see you sometime when we are in England. Blessings on your time of re-adjustment and future ministry.
