Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Sucker Punch

Do you ever have one of those days where there is just an excited feeling in the depths of your guts? No, I’m not pregnant. But I do feel like there’s new life bubbling within me. No, it’s not gas. 

“God is good.” Something we say, and sometimes really mean, but I guess it’s that, I can feel it. And not the sort of feeling you get when you open a new box of chocolates, endless opportunity, and they’re all there looking so lovely and un-fingerprinted simply waiting. No. Not even the squishy, squashy, giddy feeling you get when you peer into the eyes of a new baby. No, more like the feeling of a fresh gust of perfectly clement, sunshiny wind sweeping over you, closed eyes, deep breath, trees whooshing in your ears and feet solid, steady, held fast on the ground. Yeah, and maybe the feeling is more about the feet than the wind and the sunshine. Ok, maybe I sound like a loon. But I’m getting it.“God is good.” And not because he’s given me an incredible family and beautiful friendships, not because I have the things I need and so much I’ve wanted. No, not because of anything. But just because He is. And it isn't even a feeling. It's a reality. 

A few years ago when things seemed ever changing and unsteady. When I felt tossed around like a boat on angry waters. God said something to me. Not a shout or a whisper, and not into my ears, but into my heart like a sucker punch. The good kind that stuns you for a second but then clears your head. (Not that I've ever had the experience of being punched in a good way, but I can imagine...) This "word" from God wasn’t completely out of nowhere because I was listening…per se. Actually, maybe it was more that I was taking a breath after a long talk at him. I cried. I told him all about the waves and my little boat. He politely let me finish. Then he said, “Sydni, I am the same, yesterday, today and forever.” It might not sound like much to you, but you didn’t hear him say it. It quite literally changed everything for me.
Since that day a few years ago, I’ve pondered that moment we had. That moment when suddenly the waves around me quieted, and my little boat seemed to anchor. And after so many years of jollily saying, “God is good.” I heard my stunned and maybe even a bit fearful voice say, “Who is this God? Even the winds and the waves obey him!” (Matt 8:27) A defining moment. A reality check.
Because it was in that moment that I noticed something. He’s in my boat. No, not that I didn’t know he was there, and not that he hadn’t been there since I can remember. It was more that I had let him sleep while I did all the boat-y stuff until it got to the point of sinking. (I think I need to abandon the whole boat metaphor now because I don’t really have a clue of what people actually do on a boat, i.e., “boat-y stuff”. Guess I’ll “jump ship!” Haha! Wow. Ok…)
So since that day, there have been major storms, so to speak. But something has changed. 
My feet. 
I know we’re back in Loony Town with that one, but stick with me for a second. I can look back and see how I would run to God over and over and over. He was more like someone who I went to for the advice I needed, or the warm hug, or even the sucker punch, but I seemed to somehow find myself “running back to him”. The other thing that changed is who he is to me. He’s Jesus, he's God. Not a story book character or even a great historical figure, but a reality. (This is actually extremely profound. Do you need to re-read it? Or maybe you have to experience it. Yeah, that's probably it.) Anyways when I say "a reality" I don't mean just someone I can sit next to and talk to, but God! It's like this. I knew with my brain and even excitedly shouted to other people when they asked. I knew all about him. Where he liked to eat, who his friends are. I quoted him and wore his Tshirt, but I needed to follow him, obey him, and know him from there. My feet don't have to run back and forth anymore.
It’s funny because it was only too recently that I understood how his disciples, though they had been with him day in and day out through all sorts of miracles and talks, could still say, “show us the Father, and that will be enough for us.” (John 14:8) Before, I couldn’t get passed how ridiculous that was. How could they ask to see God when he was standing right in front of them?!
Now, I get it.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Let me tell you about my week.

*Deep sigh* Why are we here, God? My heart is longing for family. It's raining. Delia is growing so fast, and did I mention it's raining? What are we even doing? Are you sure it's here that we're meant to be? 
I have got to clean this flat. 
You want to nurse? Ok, come here Sweet Baby. ERRRG!
I have got to call about this lip tie! I can't take it anymore. Another plugged duct. Where will the money come from though? What should we do, God? Are you SURE we should be here? Oh, it's raining.
I miss family.
Maybe we shouldn't be here.
Maybe we shouldn't be here? Ugh...
I can't sleep. 

"Yes, I need to make an appointment for a lip tie revision." "Thank you, yes, I can pay the deposit!" (Hallelujah, God you provided that! Thank you for our friends who just gave us the money specifically for that!) "It's how much on the day? Blimey!" *deep breath* "Well, actually, let's wait. Thank you. Yes, I'll call back to confirm with the deposit later."
It's raining again. 
God, why are we here? 
Nick, do you know why we're here? Should we be? Maybe not. PRAYING! 
*Load on my shoulders crashes to the floor* 
I really need to clean this flat. 
Seriously? Rain again? 
Not much sleep. Thinking. 

Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done. On earth as it is in Heaven. That sounds so nice. Come on.
Lovely, a bit chilly, going next door to make elderflower cordial with my precious neighbour, 
car ride, Aldeburgh.
"Dog! Ruff Ruff!", "Yes, that's a dog! Ruff Ruff!", burger and chips, "Bird!", "Ok, momma can nurse you.", I can't wait to get this lip tie taken care of! Seaside, stones and precious family, how big the sea is!
Thank you for Nick and Delia! Oh, what a beautiful day. Car ride, sleeping baby.
Rain? Oh well, at least we're inside now. 
Forgive me God. It's not about me. 
But really. Why are we here?
Can't sleep...that horrible song from middle school, "Should I stay or should I go now...." over and over. and over. 

Sunday. Sun. Son. Music, dancing, ball in the park. I love this place.
But this flat is a mess!
Quiet Sunday night. Sleeping baby. Cup of tea. Nice...Oh crap, I'm meant to do the story for Little Lights (D's playgroup) tomorrow! Jesus Storybook Bible, what have you got for me? *flipping through pages*

Ok God, what story should we tell? 

Oh,  this one has nice pictures! "How to pray" (from Matthew 6). 

"'But it's not because you're so clever, or good, or so important, that God will listen to you. God listens to you because he loves you. Did you know that God is always listening to you? Did you know that God can hear the quietest whisper deep inside your heart, even before you've started to say it? Because God knows exactly what you need even before you ask him,' Jesus told them."

Brilliant, but perhaps not quite right...but maybe another time when I have more prep time. Yes. Brilliant. *flip* "The Singer" (from Matthew 6, 9, and Luke 12). Brilliant! I need a snack. (Oh, Lord, who am I?-I just pronounced 'banana' like a Brit...again.)

"Jesus said, 'you are more important than birds! More important than flowers! The birds and the flowers don't sit and worry about things. And God doesn't want his children to worry either. God loves to look after the birds and the flowers. And he loves to look after you, too.'...'Jesus knew that God would always love and watch over the world he had made-everything in it-birds, flowers, trees, animals, everything! And, most of all, his children." 

Hmmm...I think I ought to read that again.

Rain. Rain. Oh good, the flowers are really loving all this rain. 

Little Lights. Storytime. Lovely.
I really need to call and confirm that appointment for D's lip/tongue tie revision. But we don't have enough cash!
Yes, I know You provided the deposit...but...
"Yes, hello, I have the deposit payment ready." Done. Booked. Oh, hello, Uncertainty.
"Did you know that God is always listening to you? Did you know that God can hear the quietest whisper deep inside your heart, even before you've started to say it?"
We're here. Somehow. Ugh... 
"you are more important than birds! More important than flowers! The birds and the flowers don't sit and worry about things."
Homemade elderflower cordial with my neighbours. God, thank you for my neighbours. They are really on your heart, and you've put them on mine. God you really know what you're doing don't you. Have you ever tasted anything so lovely?! 

Stuff. Meeting. Chat. SomeOne says something about Jesus warning the people about doing good things to be seen by others. My ears perk. You know the verse? Your reward will be their praise. If that's what you're seeking, then that is your reward. You've got it. Done. Rewarded. However, if you do good in secret. It's God that will see it, and it's He who will reward you. Right. I wonder where that is in the bible? Game, set, match!...but I don't like tennis. 
Are you serious? They want to raise our rent. And pay what? Admin fees to sign for another year? Seriously? Ugh. Money. I can't believe it's been almost a whole year in this flat. Thank you for providing this flat. I guess you do that. Provide.
Oh, and it's so nice and clean.
SomeOne comes for dinner. Praying! Talking about fasting while eating? Haha. Touché.
More stuff. 
Ok, so seriously, are we really meant to be here? God? We will go, do, stay, whatever you want. Forgive us. It's not about us. 
Sleep. Wake. Sleep. Wake. Sleep. Wake. (the life of a momma) Oh, my poor nipples. It will be so good to get that lip tie taken care of.

Today. Rain. Meet to read with fellow workers. Today we're going to read Matthew 6. 
*Reading*...are you serious?!...*reading*...this looks familiar...*reading*...Yep, yep, haha yes, ok. Yes. Brilliant. 
Cup of tea. 
LOTS of reasons to stay here. God you are amazing. You really do listen. Ok. *deep breath*
Chat with friends. You want to give us what? For the lip tie revision? Seriously? Oh man. Thank you! 
God? Thank you. Thank you!
Oh, the flowers are starting to open!